Evaluation of the client’s website to determine its usability for new and current users.

UX Researcher, UI Designer

Cognitive Walkthrough, Research Protocol, Contextual Inquiry Session, Affinity Diagraming, Information Architecture, Low-Fidelity Wireframing, Prototyping

Numbers, Pages, Zoom, Paper, Pens, and Markers, Figma, QuickTime

Interactive Prototype
Walk-through video of interactive prototype

The Client: Digital Flyers

Digital Flyers promotes events and businesses by showcasing promotional flyers on digital signage screens. These screens are located in waiting areas like barbershops and beauty salons. Digital Flyers also promote events and businesses on their website, app, and social media.

Digital Flyers Site Goals

Digital Flyers aim to replace the traditional paper flyers on notice boards found in cafes, barbershops, salons, and other high-traffic areas. As a result, businesses and events promoted by Digital Flyers would reach more people while spending less time, effort, and money.

Evaluation Goals

· Evaluate the usability of the existing design

· Conduct research in order to understand pain points and opportunity areas

· Synthesize research findings to identify meaningful insights

· Prototype proposed changes

The Process

1. Discovery

Utilizing the cognitive walkthrough method I spent time on the site documenting primary user tasks in order to gain insights, identify pain points, and determine focus areas to assist in creating a plan for an upcoming primary user interview.

Cognitive exercise worksheet


2. Analysis

Based on the findings of the cognitive walkthrough the team created a plan for a contextual inquiry we utilized during an interview we conducted with a primary user of the website.


3. Findings and Planning

Findings from the contextual inquiry were synthesized using Affinity Diagraming.


Insights from the affinity diagraming were used to create a summary and three user stories.


4. Design

The three user stories developed from affinity diagraming aided in the creation of information architecture and low-fidelity wire-frame prototypes From which an interactive prototype was developed utilizing Figma.

Screens from interactive prototype


A walk through video was produced for the client which communicated design intent and research rationale that supported the specific modifications.


From the client:
”Thank you for not only helping, but also doing such an outstanding job. There are a lot of great ideas for multiple aspects of our platform. It was very helpful and informative. The video walk through helped a lot, and I look forward to working with our developers and implementing changes. Can't thank you enough!”